沖縄大交易会2020 — 国際食品商談会 —

  1. ホーム>
  2. 沖縄ハーバービューホテル




Okinawa Harborview Hotel is perfectly located in the heart of Naha City, Okinawa, which is known to be one of the best marine destinations in Japan. With such convenient access, our hotel is the ideal location for your trip, whether for business or pleasure.


沖縄ハーバービューホテルでは、あらゆる会議やイベントを成功に導くために、それぞれに 応じた最適なプランと的確なサービスをご用意してお迎えいたします。会場設営や音響・映像設備の提供はもちろん、会議・イベントの進行においても迅速にサポート。豊富な経験と実績を活かし、よりご満足いただけるお手伝いをお約束します。

An Innovative Meeting Plan Ensures Your Success At Okinawa Harborview Hotel, to make your conventions and events successful, we welcome you with customized plans and accurate services to meet your needs. We off-er our services in setting up the venue, as well as the use of high quality sound and video equipment for your function, and we provide prompt support in the proceedings of your conference or event. With our wealth of experience and achievements, we are dedicated to providing assistance to ensure complete satisfaction for our guests.

大宴会場 [彩海]
大宴会場「彩海」はモダンで洗練されたインテリアの中にも、格調高く落ち着いた雰囲気 が漂う上質な空間。大型のマルチスクリーンをはじめ、特殊照明・音響システム等充実した 設備と機能を有し、最大1,000名様のご宴会からウェディング、国際会議、モーターショー 等の展示会に至るまで多目的にご利用いただけます。

'Saikai Room' - Large Room
This modern and sophisticated room can accommodate up to 1,000 guests. It is equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment, including large multi-screens, to cater to any event, from banquets to automobile exhibitions. A special cargo lift with a load capacity of 4,000kg is available to load and unload automobiles.

