
昨年度のオンライン開催期間2022年8月1日(月)~2022年12月23日(金)における総商談数は1,150件となりました。その内、商談会終了時点での「成約」件数は34件、「成約見込」件数は287件になり、「成約」および「成約見込」を合わせると321件で全体の27.9%となりました。また「継続交渉」を含めると全体の84%以上となります。The total number of online business negotiations last fiscal year held on Aug 1 (Mon) - Dec 23, (Fri), 2022 amounted to 1,150 Out of the business negotiations, the number of "signed contracts" was 34 and the number of "potential contracts" was 287 The figures added up to 321, which amounted to 279% of the total If the number of "ongoing negotiations" is added up, the number would amount to more than 84% of the total商談会に対する評価 Evaluation of the Business Negotiationsその他 others 0.4%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%次回も参加したい理由 Reasons for wishing to participate next time• 海外のいいバイヤー様と商談スケジュールが組めて深い話し合いがで未回答 No answer 27.0%きたため。I was able to schedule a business meeting with good overseas buyers and had in-depth discussions with them.その他 others 0.4%• 国内だけでなく、海外の輸出商社とも商談ができるから。参加したくないI am able to negotiate with export trading companies in Japan as well as overseas I do not wish to participate 0.0%trading companies.• あれだけのバイヤーと1日、あるいは2日間で出会える商談会は他にはありません。There is no other trade fair where we can meet so many buyers in a day or two.総商談件数 1,150件No. of business negotiations 大変満足Very satisfied 14.7%総商談件数 1,150件No. of business negotiations 商談件数未回答No answer 10.6%不満足Dissatisfied 5.8%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 8.5%be concluded)be concluded)成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 成約見込 287件Contracts potential成約見込 287件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 満足 Satisfied34.5%満足 Satisfied34.5%満足 Satisfied32.0%満足 Satisfied32.0%be concluded)be concluded)成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to be concluded)Total No. of business negotiations: 1,150未回答 99件No answer商談キャンセル 28件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 57件Unsuccessful negotiations未回答 99件No answer商談キャンセル 28件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 57件Unsuccessful negotiations継続交渉 645件Ongoing negotiations未回答No answer 10.6%不満足Dissatisfied 5.8%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 8.5%継続交渉 645件Ongoing negotiationsサプライヤーSuppliersやや満足未回答Slightly satisfied 25.9%No answer 10.6%大変満足Very satisfied 14.7%不満足満足の主な理由 Major reasons for satisfactionDissatisfied 5.8%やや不満足• 普段は会えない国内有力バイヤーさんとマッチングできた。Slightly dissatisfied 8.5%I was able to be matched with influential domestic buyers that I usually 未回答 No answer 27.5%can't meet.• 直接お会い出来なかった新規バイヤー様、既存取引先様とお会いするこバイヤー不満足 Dissatisfied 0.4%とができ、ビジネスチャンスが広がった。満足 SatisfiedWe had the chance to meet new buyers and existing clients we couldn't meet Buyers32.0%in person, which expanded our business opportunities.やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 5.9%不満足の主な理由 Major reasons for dissatisfaction大変満足 Very satisfied12.6%• キャンセル等が多かった。また、先方とうまくかみ合わなかった。There were many cancellations and sometimes I found it difficult to get along with some companies.未回答 No answer 10.9%不満足 Dissatisfied 0.4%• 全く商談がなく。一つだけあった商談も返事待ちから一向に連絡なし。その他 others 0.7%I hardly had any negotiations. There was one, from which I was waiting for a reply, but I never heard from them.参加したくないやや不満足I do not wish to participate 2.1%Slightly dissatisfied 5.9%やや満足サプライヤーSlightly satisfied次回の沖縄大交易会への参加意向 Intention to participate in the next Great Okinawa Trade Fair21.6%Suppliers都合があえば参加したい未回答 No answer 10.9%I will participate if circumstances allow38.9%やや満足Slightly satisfied 25.9%やや満足Slightly satisfied21.6%未回答 No answer 27.5%どちらともいえないI cannot say 18.4% その他 others 0.7%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 2.1%どちらともいえない未回答 No answer 27.0%I cannot say 18.4% どちらともいえないI cannot say 5.9% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow26.6%都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow26.6%どちらともいえないI cannot say 5.9% 成約 34件Contracts concluded成約見込 287件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 成約 34件総商談件数 1,150件Contracts concludedNo. of business negotiations Total No. of business negotiations: 1,150成約見込 287件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 満足 Satisfied34.5%大変満足 Very satisfiedサプライヤー12.6%満足 SatisfiedSuppliers34.5%ぜひ参加したい満足 SatisfiedI definitely wish to participate32.0%29.0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate29.0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate40.1%不成立 57件Unsuccessful negotiations未回答 No answer 27.5%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 5.9%未回答 No answer 27.5%その他 others 0.4%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%どちらともいえないI cannot say 5.9% 未回答 No answer 27.0%未回答 No answer 27.0%その他 others 0.4%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%その他 others 0.4%どちらともいえない参加したくないI cannot say 5.9% I do not wish to participate 0.0%どちらともいえない次回も参加したい理由 Reasons for wishing to participate next timeI cannot say 5.9% • 沖縄大交易会をきっかけに取引に繋がるケースが非常に多い為、ぜひ参加したい。I definitely want to participate since there are many cases where business deals are initiated through the Great Okinawa Trade Fair.• 多くのメーカー様と交渉する機会が持てますし、新規で商品を探せるので参加したいです。I had opportunities to negotiate with many manufacturers and explore new products, that's why I participate.• 他のイベントでは知り合えない会社様も多いので、毎回新鮮で、新しい出会いに満足しています。Every time I'm satisfied with new encounters with so many companies that I wouldn't come to know at other events.未回答 99件No answer商談キャンセル 28件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 57件Unsuccessful negotiations成約 34件総商談件数 1,150件Contracts concludedNo. of business negotiations Total No. of business negotiations: 1,150成約 34件未回答 99件Contracts concludedNo answer商談キャンセル 28件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 57件Unsuccessful negotiations継続交渉 645件Ongoing negotiations商談件数やや満足未回答Slightly satisfied 25.9%No answer 10.6%不満足未回答Dissatisfied 5.8%No answer 10.6%やや不満足不満足Slightly dissatisfied 8.5%Dissatisfied 5.8%やや不満足やや満足Slightly dissatisfied 8.5%Slightly satisfied 25.9%不満足 Dissatisfied 0.4%大変満足Very satisfied 14.7%大変満足Very satisfied 14.7%大変満足 Very satisfiedサプライヤー12.6%満足 SatisfiedSuppliers34.5%サプライヤーバイヤーSuppliersBuyersやや満足Slightly satisfied 25.9%やや満足Slightly satisfied21.6%大変満足 Very satisfied12.6%大変満足 Very satisfied満足の主な理由 Major reasons for satisfaction12.6%未回答 No answer 10.9%バイヤー不満足 Dissatisfied 0.4%未回答 No answer 27.5%• オンラインとオフラインのツールをバランス良く設定いただいた事で、その他 others 0.7%満足 Satisfiedぜひ参加したいBuyers出展企業とのコミュニケーション効率が上がりました。32.0%I definitely wish to participate参加したくないThrough a well-balanced set of online and offline tools, we were able to やや不満足29.0%バイヤー不満足 Dissatisfied 0.4%I do not wish to participate 2.1%improve the efficiency of communication with exhibiting companies.Slightly dissatisfied 5.9%やや満足BuyersサプライヤーSlightly satisfiedどちらともいえない• 沖縄大交易会に参加していない商談できていなかった多数の会社と商やや不満足21.6%I cannot say 18.4% Suppliers談の機会を頂き満足しております。Slightly dissatisfied 5.9%やや満足We are satisfied with the opportunities to be able to negotiate with many Slightly satisfiedcompanies that we couldn't meet at the Great Okinawa Trade Fair.未回答 No answer 10.9%都合があえば参加したい21.6%I will participate if circumstances allowその他 others 0.7%不満足の主な理由 Major reasons for dissatisfactionぜひ参加したい38.9%I definitely wish to participate参加したくない未回答 No answer 10.9%29.0%• 商談の時間は時差を考慮してほしい。I do not wish to participate 2.1%Consideration should be given to time differences for the negotiation その他 others 0.7%schedule.どちらともいえない参加したくないI cannot say 18.4% I do not wish to participate 2.1%未回答 No answer 27.0%どちらともいえないI cannot say 18.4% ぜひ参加したいサプライヤーI definitely wish to participate29.0%Suppliersぜひ参加したいサプライヤー都合があえば参加したいI definitely wish to participateSuppliersバイヤー40.1%I will participate if circumstances allow38.9%Buyers都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow都合があえば参加したい38.9%I will participate if circumstances allow26.6%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate40.1%都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow26.6%Total No. of business negotiations: 1,150総商談件数 1,150件大変満足Very satisfied 14.7%No. of business negotiations 継続交渉 645件Ongoing negotiationsサプライヤー継続交渉 645件Ongoing negotiationsSuppliersTotal No. of business negotiations: 1,150昨年実績データ Result Data for the Previous Year商談件数商談件数バイヤーBuyersサプライヤーSuppliersぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate都合があえば参加したいバイヤー40.1%I will participate if circumstances allow38.9%BuyersバイヤーBuyers商談件数バイヤーぜひ参加したいBuyersI definitely wish to participateバイヤー40.1%都合があえば参加したいBuyersI will participate if circumstances allow26.6%2022年度 オンライン商談開催実績Results of off-line business negotiations held in FY202227.9%27.9%27.9%27.9%27.9%52

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