昨年度の開催期間2日間における総商談件数は1,322件となりました。その内、商談会終了時点での「成約」件数は78件、「成約見込」件数は225件になり、「成約」および「成約見込」を合わせると303件で全体の22.9%となりました。また「継続交渉」を含めると全体の87%以上となります。The total number of business negotiations during the two-day event last fiscal year was 1,322 Out of the business negotiations, the number of "signed contracts" was 78 and the number of "potential contracts" was 225 The figures added up to 303, which amounted to 229% of the total If the number of "ongoing negotiations" is added up, the number would amount to more than 87% of the total商談会に対する評価 Evaluation of the Business NegotiationsTotal No. of business negotiations: 1,322大変満足Very satisfied26.1%be concluded)be concluded)成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 成約見込 225件Contracts potential成約見込 225件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 大変満足不満足 Dissatisfied 4.1%Very satisfied26.1%大変満足不満足 Dissatisfied 0%満足の主な理由 Major reasons for satisfactionVery satisfied参加したくない33.6%バイヤー• 成約に繋がる実のある商談がたくさん出来た。I do not wish to participate 2.1%We had a number of fruitful negotiations that led to actual business deals.Buyersバイヤー• オンライン、オフラインで多くの会社と商談する機会があった為、非満足 Satisfied常に満足しています。サプライヤーBuyersWe were highly satisfied as we had opportunities to engage with a lot of 42.7%Supplierscompanies both online and in-person.満足 Satisfied42.7%不満足の主な理由 Major reasons for dissatisfaction• キャンセルなどがありマッチングが少なかった。We had only a few matches due to some cancellations.参加したくない• 当社では取り扱いがないアイテムをお持ちの企業さまとのマッチングI do not wish to participate 2.1%がありました。We were matched with companies offering items that we don't typically deal with.大変満足Very satisfied33.6%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate44.1%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 2.1%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate44.1%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participateぜひ参加したい44.1%I definitely wish to participate65.5%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate65.5%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate65.5%be concluded)be concluded)成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to be concluded)総商談件数 1,322件成約 78件No. of business negotiations Contracts concludedTotal No. of business negotiations: 1,322総商談件数 1,322件No. of business negotiations 商談キャンセル 35件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 136件Unsuccessful negotiations商談キャンセル 35件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 136件Unsuccessful negotiations継続交渉 848件Ongoing negotiationsやや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 2.6%継続交渉 848件Ongoing negotiationsサプライヤーSuppliersやや満足Slightly satisfied20.0%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 2.6%やや満足やや不満足Slightly satisfiedSlightly dissatisfied 4.6%20.0%やや満足Slightly satisfied19.1%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 4.6%やや満足Slightly satisfiedどちらともいえない19.1%I cannot say 9.2% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow44.6%どちらともいえないI cannot say 9.2% どちらともいえないI cannot say 1.8% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow都合があえば参加したい44.6%I will participate if circumstances allow32.7%バイヤーBuyersどちらともいえないI cannot say 1.8% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow成約 78件Contracts concluded成約見込 225件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 成約見込 225件Contracts potential成約率(見込含む)Rate of contracts concluded (includes those expected to 不満足 Dissatisfied 4.1%満足 Satisfied47.2%不満足 Dissatisfied 4.1%大変満足満足の主な理由 Major reasons for satisfactionVery satisfied26.1%• バイヤーの熱意が高く、言語面のサポートもあり、とても有意義な商サプライヤー談ができた。大変満足SuppliersBuyers showed a high level of enthusiasm, and with language support, we Very satisfiedwere able to have very productive negotiations.33.6%バイヤー満足 Satisfied• 時間に無駄がなく、効率的に営業活動ができた。47.2%BuyersOur business activities were efficient with no time wasted.満足 Satisfied• 興味あるバイヤーとマッチングできて、話も進みやすかった。We were matched with interested buyers, and this made discussions 42.7%不満足 Dissatisfied 0%progress smoothly.大変満足不満足の主な理由 Major reasons for dissatisfactionVery satisfied参加したくない33.6%• 商談の日程を2日または3日にして、多くの企業と商談が出来ればよかった。I do not wish to participate 2.1%It would have been better if negotiation sessions were held over 2 or 3 days, so that negotiations can be made with more companies. 次回の沖縄大交易会への参加意向 Intention to participate in the next Great Okinawa Trade Fair不満足 Dissatisfied 0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate44.1%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 2.1%参加したくないI do not wish to participate 0.0%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate44.1%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate65.5%ぜひ参加したいI definitely wish to participate65.5%不成立 136件Unsuccessful negotiations都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow44.6%どちらともいえないI cannot say 9.2% どちらともいえないI cannot say 9.2% どちらともいえないI cannot say 1.8% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow都合があえば参加したい44.6%I will participate if circumstances allow32.7%バイヤーBuyersどちらともいえないI cannot say 1.8% どちらともいえないI cannot say 1.8% 都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow商談キャンセル 35件Cancellation of negotiations商談キャンセル 35件Cancellation of negotiations不成立 136件Unsuccessful negotiations継続交渉 848件Ongoing negotiationsやや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 2.6%継続交渉 848件Total No. of business negotiations: 1,322Ongoing negotiationsサプライヤーSuppliersやや満足Slightly satisfied20.0%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 2.6%満足 Satisfied47.2%不満足 Dissatisfied 4.1%やや不満足やや満足Slightly dissatisfied 2.6%やや不満足Slightly satisfiedSlightly dissatisfied 4.6%20.0%やや満足やや満足Slightly satisfiedSlightly satisfied20.0%19.1%不満足 Dissatisfied 0%大変満足Very satisfied26.1%満足 Satisfied47.2%不満足 Dissatisfied 0%やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 4.6%やや満足やや不満足Slightly dissatisfied 4.6%Slightly satisfiedどちらともいえない19.1%I cannot say 9.2% やや満足Slightly satisfied19.1%都合があえば参加したいI will participate if circumstances allow44.6%Total No. of business negotiations: 1,322総商談件数 1,322件No. of business negotiations 大変満足Very satisfied26.1%継続交渉 848件Ongoing negotiations総商談件数 1,322件成約 78件Contracts concludedNo. of business negotiations Total No. of business negotiations: 1,322成約 78件Contracts concluded総商談件数 1,322件商談件数No. of business negotiations 不満足 Dissatisfied 4.1%32.7%バイヤーBuyers32.7%バイヤーBuyers次回も参加したい理由 Reasons for wishing to participate next time参加したくない• 非常に有意義な商談ができることから、毎年楽しみにしている。I do not wish to participate 0.0%We look forward to this event every year since we can have had highly productive negotiations.• 今回成約に至らなくとも、今後の可能性は大。Even though we didn't reach agreements this time, the future potential is significantly high.• たくさんの海外バイヤーとリアル商談の機会を多く求めているため。We are looking for many opportunities to have business negotiations in-person with overseas buyers.• 普段、関わりが難しいバイヤーと商談ができるため。The event provides a chance to have business talks with buyers who are usually difficult to meet with.32.7%バイヤーBuyers次回も参加したい理由 Reasons for wishing to participate next time• いろいろなメーカーと一度に会うことが出来るから。It allows us to meet various manufacturers all at once.• 沖縄大交易会は他の展示会と比較して成約率が高いため、来年も参加したい。The Great Okinawa Trade Fair has a higher deal closure rate compared to other business matching events, so we would like to participate next year. • 沢山のサプライヤーと商談する機会があり、新たな商品開拓に最適な商談会です。There are many opportunities to negotiate with suppliers, making it an ideal fair for exploring new products.昨年実績データ Result Data for the Previous Year商談件数商談件数バイヤーBuyers満足 Satisfiedサプライヤー42.7%SuppliersサプライヤーSuppliers商談件数商談件数サプライヤーSuppliers大変満足Very satisfiedサプライヤー33.6%バイヤー満足 SatisfiedSuppliers47.2%Buyers満足 Satisfied42.7%サプライヤーSuppliersサプライヤーSuppliers2022年度 リアル商談開催実績Results of off-line business negotiations held in FY2022 22.9%22.9%22.9%22.9%22.9%51
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