PR16PR17PR18株式会社スギ薬局Sugi Pharmacy Co., Ltd.愛知県 Aichiドラッグストア、小売 国内・海外卸売業(子会社Sトレーディング)Drugstores, Retail, Domestic and International Wholesale Business (Subsidiary S Trading)PR13琉球通運株式会社RYUKYU FREIGHT FORWARDERS沖縄県 Okinawa運送業・通関業・倉庫業・引越/梱包業Transportation, Customs Clearance, Warehousing, and Moving/Packaging ServicesPR14PR15沖縄の物流の明日を創造します。Creating the Future of Logistics in Okinawaお客様のニーズに応えるべくイギリス、ドイツの物流企業と業務提携を進めており欧州のネットワークを強化中。今年度もサービス確立の為、7月より沖縄県の物流事業を受託し香港、マカオ、台北、シンガポールへ海上冷凍混載輸送を。航空貨物でアジア7ヵ国への輸送サービスを開始しております。In order to meet the needs of our customers, we have been forming business partnerships with logistics companies from the United Kingdom and Germany, strengthening our European network This fiscal year, we have expanded our services by taking over logistics operations in Okinawa Prefecture starting in July We now offer maritime refrigerated mixed cargo transport to Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei, and Singapore Additionally, we have launched air cargo transport services to seven countries in Asia, all in the pursuit of establishing logistics services次の運び方をつくる。Creating the Next Way to Move.「サプライチェーンの上流から下流まで。宅急便だけではない多彩な物流でお客さまのビジネスをサポートします。」企業の活動実態に応じた、さまざまなシーンでお客さまビジネスとヤマトグループのリソースとネットワークを掛け合わせることで、より便利で効率的になる新しい物流を提供します。"From the upstream to downstream of the supply chain We support your business with a variety of logistics beyond just parcel delivery" By combining the resources and networks of Yamato Group with our customer business in various scenarios responding to actual activities of companies, we provide a new logistics that is more convenient and efficient高品質な国内・国際物流インフラをご提供します。Providing High-Quality Domestic and International Logistics Infrastructure.那覇空港に就航する国際線旅客便とANAグループの航空輸送ネットワークを最大限に活かし、安心と信頼の高品質な航空貨物輸送をご提供します。沖縄県における貿易・物流の活性化に貢献し、万国津梁の架け橋の一翼を担います。We maximize the international passenger flights to Naha Airport and the air transport network of the ANA Group to offer safe and reliable high-quality air cargo transportation We contribute to the revitalization of trade and logistics in Okinawa Prefecture and play a significant role in bridging Japan and the rest of the world沖縄発!鮮やかなピンク色のあまざけFrom Okinawa! A Vibrant Pink Sweet Sake地元農家が作った玄米を発芽させ、自社で製造している紅麹を使用し独自技術で発酵させてつくったピンクのあまざけ。玄米の粒感と素材の風味の豊かさをそのまま残し、地元産のシークワーサーを加えることですっきりフルーティーな飲みやすさに仕上げたこだわりの甘酒。沖縄県内3例目となるWOJプレミアム認証に認定Pink sweet sake made by fermenting sprouted locally grown brown rice, using our in-house produced red koji and our unique fermentation process We have created a carefully crafted sweet sake that retains the texture of brown rice and the richness of its natural flavors, to which local Shikuwasa (a type of citrus fruit) was added to achieve a refreshing, fruity, and easy-to-drink taste Certified as the third case of WOJ Premium certification in Okinawa Prefecture県産素材を活用した高付加価値健康食品等High value-added health foods that utilize local ingredients.● 産学官連携製品開発支援事業とは? 産学官/産産連携等の共同体による、高付加価値製品の開発を支援する補助事業です。● 展示ブースでは? 補助事業のご案内・相談のほか、開発製品のサンプル展示・商談も受け付けております。● What is the Industry-Academia-Government Collaborative Product Development Support Project? This is a subsidy project that supports the development of high value-added products through collaboration between industry, academia, and government● At the exhibition booth, in addition to providing information and consultation regarding subsidized projects, we also accept samples of developed products and business negotiations街に、あなたに、笑顔のたねを 特許取得の水耕栽培キットSeeds of Smiles, For the Town and Youスギ薬局オリジナルブランド【S-Select】は 「効き目、品質、使い心地、価格」にこだわりを持った商品です。 コスメ、サプリ、健康食品、日用雑貨、医薬品まで幅広く取り揃えており、海外・国内向けに商品供給を行っております。 また、メーカー様の商品の海外・国内提携先への 展開のご相談も承っております。Sugi Pharmacy's original brand, [S-Select], is committed to "effectiveness, quality, usability, and price" We offer a wide range of products, including cosmetics, supplements, health foods, daily necessities, and pharmaceuticals, for both domestic and international markets Additionally, we are open to talk about the distribution of manufacturers' products to domestic and international partners 46沖縄ヤマト運輸 株式会社Okinawa Yamato Transport Co.,Ltd.沖縄県 Okinawa国際航空貨物輸送、国際海上貨物輸送、国内輸送、倉庫業、通関業International Air Freight Transport, International Maritime Freight Transport, Domestic Transport, Warehousing, and Customs Clearance株式会社 ANA CargoANA Cargo Inc.東京都 Tokyo航空貨物運送業Air Cargo Transportation株式会社マキ屋フーズMakiya Foods Co., Ltd.沖縄県 Okinawa食品製造業Food Manufacturer産学官連携製品 開発支援事業(沖縄県産業振興公社)Okinawa Industry Promotion Public Corporation沖縄県 Okinawa公的サービスPublic Service
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