PR04PR05PR06株式会社みらいおきなわ(令和5年度 沖縄県離島デジタル広報・販売スキル向上事業)Future Okinawa Co.,Ltd.沖縄県 Okinawa地域総合商社Regional Comprehensive Trading CompanyPR01GFP沖縄GFP Okinawa沖縄県 Okinawa輸出支援コミュニティ(官公庁)Export Support Community (Government Agency)PR02PR03はじめて輸出に取り組む方も大歓迎!First-time exporters are largely welcomed!沖縄の農林水産物・食品輸出を応援するため、内閣府沖縄総合事務局が発足したコミュニティです。沖縄県産品を海外に売りたい方、輸出したい方、沖縄県産品を買いたい方を繋ぎます。当日は、輸出に関する支援メニュー等の紹介や、GFP沖縄会員の商品の展示も行います。売りたい方、買いたい方、是非お立ち寄りください!This is a community established by the Cabinet Office Okinawa General Bureau to support the export of agricultural, forestry, and fishery products as well as food products from Okinawa We connect those who want to sell Okinawan products overseas, those who want to export, and those who want to buy Okinawan products On the day of the event, we will introduce support services for exporters and showcase products from members of GFP Okinawa Whether you want to sell or buy, please feel free to stop by!地元で愛される三重の地酒です。This is a sake loved locally in Mie Prefecture.三重大学、明野高校、多気町、営農組合、蔵元が連携し、三重県内で酒蔵限定生産された『弓形穂』という新酒造好適米を使用して作られた唯一の地酒です。A collaborative effort between Mie University, Akeno High School, Taki Town, the agricultural cooperative, and the brewery This is the only local sake made using "Yuminari Ho," a new sake rice variety produced exclusively by sake breweries within Mie Prefecture播磨の自然の恵みを受けた魅力的な食材をお届けしますWe deliver delightful ingredients nurtured by the blessings of Harima's nature.播磨地域は肥沃な播磨平野や優良な漁場である播磨灘を有し、多彩な食材が産み出されています。今回は、播磨の自然の恵みを存分に受けた「里の幸」「海の幸」を豊富に取り揃えてご紹介します。 是非、この機会に播磨地域の魅力的な食材に触れてみてください。 The Harima region possesses the fertile Harima plains and the excellent fishing grounds of Harima Bay, which produces a diverse range of food materials This time, we introduce an abundant selection of "village delicacies" and "marine delicacies", both deeply enriched by the blessings of Harima's nature Please take this opportunity to explore the captivating food materials of the Harima region三つの海に囲まれた美食の街"下関"The Gourmet City Surrounded by Three Seas: Shimonoseki下関市にはまるで寿司博物館のような魚市場があります。三つの海と山々に囲まれた自然豊かな場所です。様々な海産物が獲れ、高度な水産加工技術があります。また、森や畑も多く、多様な野菜が獲れます。昔から日本の交易地として栄え、行き交う人々に美味しい食を提供するために食の技術を磨いてきた街です。Shimonoseki City has a fish market that is like a sushi museum It is a naturally rich place surrounded by three seas and mountains Various seafood can be caught here, and there is an advanced seafood processing technology Additionally, there are many forests and fields, yielding a variety of vegetables Having thrived as a trading city in Japan since ancient times, the city has honed its culinary skills to provide delicious food to people passing by沖縄最南端のまち糸満市の魅力をPRします。Promoting the Charm of Itoman City, the Southernmost Town in Okinawa.糸満市は那覇空港から南へ20分。“海幸・山幸”が豊富で特に「海人のまち」として知られています。自然の恵みを活かした加工品も豊富で、近年では物流関連会社の進出も相次いでいます。PRブースでは特産品、伝統工芸品等を紹介しますので、ぜひお立寄りください。Itoman City is located just 20 minutes south of Naha Airport Known as the "Fishermen's Town," the city is known for its abundance of delicacies from the sea and land There is also a wide variety of processed products made from the blessings of nature, and in recent years, logistics-related companies have been establishing a presence here At our PR booth, we will introduce local products, traditional crafts, and more, so please feel free to drop byおきなわ離島マルシェ~南国からの贈り物~Okinawa RITO MARCHE - Gifts from the Tropics沖縄県は東西約1,000㎞、南北約400㎞に及ぶ海域に38の有人離島が点在する海洋島嶼圏であり、島々で異なる自然環境の下でそれぞれ個性豊かな文化が育まれてきました。 今回は、そんな特色ある島々の中から沖縄の魅力がつまった選りすぐりの特産品をご紹介しております。是非、南国からの贈り物をご堪能下さい!!Okinawa Prefecture is an oceanic island region with 38 inhabited islands scattered across approximately 1,000 kilometers east to west and 400 kilometers north to south Each of these islands has nurtured a distinctive culture under unique natural environments This time, we are introducing a carefully selected range of specialty products filled with the charm of Okinawa, from these unique islands We invite you to savor these gifts from the tropics!44PRブース出展企業一覧 List of PR Exhibition Companies河武醸造株式会社KAWABUJYOZOU CO.,LTD三重県 Mie酒類Sake (alcholic beverage)姫路市(播磨圏域連携中枢都市圏)Himeji City (Harima Area)兵庫県 Hyogo地方自治体Municipality下関市Shimonoseki City山口県 Yamaguchi地方自治体Municipality糸満市Itoman City沖縄県 Okinawa観光Tourism
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