スケジュールSchedule会場周辺マップ会場図MAP/Diagram of the Venue都道府県別サプライヤー一覧Suppliers Listed by Prefecture鮮魚・水産加工品Fresh Fish/Processed Sea-food Products精肉・畜産加工品Processed Meat/Processed Live-stock Products青果・農産加工品Fruit and Vegetables/Processed Agri-cultural Goods食品加工品Processed Food Products飲料・お茶・コーヒーBeverages/Tea/Coff eeお菓子・スイーツConfectioneries and Sweets酒類Alcohol調味料Seasoning健康食品・サプリメントHealth Food Products/Supplementsオフィシャル商社の紹介Introduction of Offi cial Trading Companiesバイヤー一覧List of BuyersPRブース出展企業一覧List of PR Exhibition Companies沖縄国際物流ハブAbout the InternationalLogistics Hub昨年実績データResult Data for the Previous Year同時開催イベントAdditional Event①お弁当②サラダ③お酒のお供④ラーメンやおでんなどの汁もの⑤登山やトレーニング後の栄養補給①Lunch box ②Salad ③Sake companion ④Soup such as ramen and oden ⑤Nutrition after mountain climbing and training契約農場の卵を、塩味だけで味付けした商品です。さくらのチップと、山形県産さくらんぼの木のチップをブレンドしたもので本格燻製した後、卵の中までしっかりと香りを浸透させるために3日間熟成。一口食べると口いっぱいに広がるスモークの香り。濃厚でコクがある半熟黄身の甘さと塩味のバランスが絶妙な美味しさです。This product is made by seasoning eggs from a contract farm with only salty taste. After full-scale smoking with a blend of cherry chips and cherry tree chips from Yamagata prefecture, it is aged for 3 days to allow the aroma to penetrate into the eggs. The scent of smoke that fills your mouth when you eat a bite. The balance between the sweetness and saltiness of the rich and rich soft-boiled yolk is exquisite.C-007静岡県 Shizuoka 水月SUI-GETSU生食(カロリーが控えめになります)。味噌汁や鍋に入れるとキャベツの甘味がとっても引き立ちます。Raw food (calories are modest). When you put it in miso soup or a pot, the sweetness of the cabbage will stand out very much.今年で10目の作付けです。水田との輪作する為、病気の農薬は減農薬での栽培をしています。2L~3Lサイズに育ててから、寒〆めするとあまくてジューシーな食感になり食味は最高です。はちみつ等を散布し栽培技術で食味向上を図り、昨年以上の味になるよう挑戦しています。This is the 10th planting this year. In order to rotate with paddy fields, diseased pesticides are cultivated with reduced pesticides. After growing to 2L to 3L size, when it gets cold, it has a sweet and juicy texture and the taste is the best.We are trying to improve the taste by spraying honey etc. with cultivation technology and trying to make it taste better than last year.C-010京都府 Kyoto 京葱SAMURAI株式会社KYONEGI SAMURAI Co.D11D11京都府産 九条ねぎKujo green onionsラーメン・うどん・そば、丼物の薬味からすき焼き、鍋などにも相性バツグンで脇役にするには勿体無いほどシャキシャキと口の中で極上の旨味が主張してきます。It goes well with ramen, udon, soba, rice bowls, sukiyaki, and hot pots.言わずと知れた京野菜の九条ねぎ。その名に恥じない香りと味わいを凝縮させるため土つくりにこだわり、毎朝早朝より収穫することで鮮度を失うことなく御客様に納品させていただきます。Needless to say, Kujo green onions of Kyoto vegetables. In order to condense the aroma and taste that is not ashamed of its name, we are particular about making soil, and by harvesting from early morning every morning, we will deliver it to our customers without losing their freshness.A00A00第1商談会場 C-004山形県 Yamagata 株式会社半澤鶏卵HANZAWA EGG Co., Ltd.ONLINEオンラインのみ ONLINE Online only2nd Business Negotiation VenueC-005茨城県 Ibaraki カルビーかいつかスイートポテト株式会社Calbee Kaitsuka Sweet Potato Inc.C-006群馬県 Gunma 昭和村農産物等輸出促進協議会Showa Village Agricultural Products Export Promotion CouncilC-009京都府 Kyoto うつみ農園Utsumi NouenC-013兵庫県 Hyogo 株式会社北本ファームKitamoto Farm Co.きゅうり・大根等生野菜につけて食べていただくと美味しいです。C-013ごはん・焼きおにぎりにも最適。炒め物、鍋料理にもあいます。Delicious on vegetables such as cucumbers and radishes. It is also suitable for rice and grilled rice balls. Also good in stir-fries and one-pot dishes.兵庫県産のハリマ王にんにくの風味と旨味、甘めの味噌がきいた、大人もお子さまにも大人気なにんにく味噌です。そのままホカホカのご飯にのせて、焼肉、にんにく煮豚・炒め物・餃子・そのまま生野菜につけても美味しく食べていただけます。This garlic miso is very popular among adults and children alike, with the flavor and deliciousness of Hyogo Prefecture's King Harima garlic and sweet miso. It is delicious as it is on hot rice, grilled meat, garlic-braised pork, stir-fried dishes, dumplings, and fresh vegetables.ONLINEONLINEスモッちSmoked eggD08D08はちみつキャベツcabbage山形「蔵王和牛」は年間500頭しか生産されない希少和牛で日本三大和牛「米沢牛」とも匹敵する品質を持つ幻の和牛です。厳選された牛肉を2ヵ月程塩水に浸け寝かせ、低温乾燥の後に燻煙をし、熟成された旨味が閉じ込められます。とろけるような食感を楽しめる「サーロイン」と「モモ」の2種類の贅沢を味わいくださいYamagata "Zao Wagyu" is a rare Wagyu beef with only 500 head produced per year, and is a fantastic Wagyu beef with quality comparable to "Yonezawa Beef", one of Japan's three Yamato beefs. Carefully selected beef is soaked in brine for about two months, dried at low temperature, and then smoked to lock in the matured flavor. Enjoy the luxury of two types of beef, "sirloin" and "thigh," which offer a melting texture.オーブンやレンジで温めて、焼き芋本来の味をお楽しみいただけることはもちろん、半解凍の冷たいままでアイス感覚でも美味しくいただけます。It can be heated in the oven or microwave to enjoy the true taste of baked sweet potatoes, or left half defrosted to enjoy it cold, like ice cream.契約生産者から仕入れたサツマイモを一定期間熟成。こだわりの焼成方法でねっとりと高級感のある甘みをお楽しみいただけます。We ripen the sweet potatoes purchased from contract growers for a certain period of time. The sticky and luxurious sweetness of the potatoes can be enjoyed through our special baking method.C-008三重県 Mie 株式会社つじ農園TARAFUKU RICE FARM Co., Ltd.健康や持続可能性に関心のある方に。大切な方への贈り物に。For those who are interested in health and sustainability. As a gift for loved ones.千年続く村で作った有機JAS認証の無農薬玄米を100%使用したパックご飯。データに基づく栽培管理で最高の状態のお米を収穫し、圧力釜でふっくら炊き上げました。健康的な玄米食を手軽に始められます。未来のお米をおいしくお召し上がりください。Packaged rice made from 100% organic JAS-certified pesticide-free brown rice grown in a millennium-old village. The rice is harvested in its best condition through data-based cultivation management and cooked plumply in a pressure cooker. It is an easy way to start a healthy brown rice diet. Enjoy the tasty rice of the future.C-011大阪府 Osaka 株式会社阪急阪神百貨店Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores Inc.D06D06紅天使冷凍焼きいも500gFrozen baked sweet potatoD09D09千年玄米 玄米パックご飯Packaged rice標高700mの高原地帯で育ったレタスは日中と夜の寒暖差によりシャキシャキとみずみずしいのが特徴です。Lettuce grown in the plateau area at an altitude of 700m is characterized by its crispness and freshness due to the temperature difference between daytime and nighttime.D07D07レタスLettuceD10D10京都・本くず氷 うつみ農園いちごPopsicle本葛粉を使用しているアイスキャンディーですので、C-009少し溶かしながらお召し上がりください。Since these popsicles are made with honkuzu flour, please enjoy them while slightly dissolving them.京都山科「うつみ農園」のいちごをたっぷり使用。絶妙な甘さと酸味があり、口の中にいちごの香りが広がります。みんな大好きないちごです。Plenty of strawberries from "Utsumi Farm" in Yamashina, Kyoto are used.It has exquisite sweetness and sourness, and the aroma of strawberries spreads in your mouth.Strawberries are everyone's favorite.E01E01はりま王にんにく味噌Processed food1st Business Negotiation Venue A00A00第2商談会場 地域スペース Regional spaceJETRO商談会にも参加するサプライヤー Those suppliers who also participate in JETRO business meetings蔵王和牛生ハムProcessed Wagyu Beef20
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