
出展商品一覧 List of Exhibited Products 鮮魚・水産加工品 15 Fresh Fish / Processed Seafood Products精肉・畜産加工品 19 Processed Meat / Processed Livestock Products青果・農産加工品 19 Fruit and Vegetables / Processed Agricultural Goods沖縄県知事 はいさい ぐすーよー ちゅーうがなびら。皆様こんにちは。 この度は、「11th 沖縄大交易会2023」にご参加いただき、誠にありがとうございます。 沖縄大交易会は、2013年度にプレ交易会として約240社参加のもとスタートいたしました。 その後、参加者は順調に増え続け、昨年度は、21の国と地域から約660社が参加し、2,400件余りの商談が行われるなど、日本最大級の「食」の商談会へと成長しております。 沖縄大交易会が国内外の皆様に広く認知され、このような大規模な国際商談会を継続して開催できますことは、ひとえに、関係者の皆様のご尽力とご協力の賜物であり、深く感謝を申し上げます。 さて、今年度で11回目の開催となる沖縄大交易会は、参加者の皆様のご要望にお応えし、サプライヤーの1日入れ替え制から、2日連続で商談できる仕組みへとリニューアルしてスタートいたします。 また、今回も引き続き、「リアル」と「オンライン」双方の強みを掛け合わせたハイブリッド型の商談会を通じ、沖縄大交易会の更なる発展を図るとともに、国際物流拠点の形成に向けて、様々な国々との結びつきを強め、「21世紀の万国津梁」として沖縄の魅力を国内外に発信してまいります。 10年の節目を終えて、新たなスタートとなる「11th沖縄大交易会2023」におきましても、皆さまのご期待に応えるため、これまで以上に企業、行政、関係機関が一体となり、成功に向けて連携して取り組んでまいりますので、皆様のご理解とご協力をよろしくお願いします。 結びに、沖縄大交易会における多くの商談のご成功と、沖縄大交易会が国内外の企業の皆様にとって、着実に発展し、「稼ぐ力」を高める一助となりますことを祈念申し上げ、ご挨拶といたします。 まじゅん ちばてぃ いちゃびらなやーさい。共に頑張ってまいりましょう。 ゆたさるぐとぅ うにげーさびら。よろしくお願いいたします。Governor of OkinawaDenny Tamaki会場周辺マップ 06 Venue Surroundings Map会場図 07 Diagram of the Venue都道府県別サプライヤー一覧 11 Suppliers Listed by Prefecture開催の挨拶 Opening Address目次 Contents開催の挨拶 01 Opening Address沖縄大交易会について 03 About The Great Okinawa Trade Fairスケジュール 05 ScheduleHaisai Gusuyo Chuuganabira. (Hello everyone, how do you do?) Thank you for participating in the "11th Great Okinawa Trade Fair 2023." The Great Okinawa Trade Fair began in 2013 as a pre-trade fair with the participation of approximately 240 companies. Since then, the number of participants has been steadily increasing, and last year, approximately 660 companies from 21 countries and regions participated in the event, and more than 2,400 business negotiations were held, which has grown into one of the largest "food-themed" business meeting in Japan. I have just realized once again that the Great Okinawa Trade Fair is widely recognized and highly appreciated by people in Japan and abroad. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to all the parties involved for their efforts and cooperation which are the main reason it has been possible to continue to hold such a large-scale international business meeting. This year marks the 11th time of holding the Great Okinawa Trade Fair. In order to respond to the request of participants, we have renewed our format from a one-day supplier rotation system to a system where negotiation can be held for two consecutive days. This year, we will continue to combine the strengths of both "in-person" and "online" formats to create the hybrid-style trade fair, aiming for further development of the Great Okinawa Trade Fair and strengthening ties with various countries towards the formation of an international logistic hub. We will also appeal Okinawa as "Bankoku Shinryo (Bridge of Nations) of the 21st Century" both domestically and internationally. As we conclude the milestone of the past decade and embark on a new beginning with the "11th Great Okinawa Trade Fair 2023," we will work together with even greater cooperation with companies, government agencies, and relevant organizations to meet your expectations and ensure its success. We kindly request your understanding and cooperation. In closing, I extend my best wishes for the success of many business negotiations at the Great Okinawa Trade Fair and hope that it will continue to contribute to the steady growth and enhancement of the "earning power" of Japanese and foreign businesses. Majun Chibati Ichabiranayasai. (Let us work together through this time.) Yutasarugutu Unigesabira. (Thank you for your cooperation.)玉城 デニー01

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